Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Boosting Technorati Authority & Rank

In order to promote this blog and make it more successful, I signed up with Technorati. Technorati is the recognized authority on what's happening on the World Live Web, right now. They are currently tracking 105.6 million blogs and over 250 million pieces of tagged social media.

When you sign up with technorati, your blog is ranked. It is called authority, basically the more authority or rank, the more traffic and popularity to the blog.

There is a technique similar to a pyramid scheme, that could potentially build up your links and technorati authority. I figured i would give it a shot. Thanks
P. Morrow's online money for this suggestion.

Possible benefits:
- build up your links
- Blog becomes more popular in Technorati

This is how it works :

1. Click Here and Add me to your Technorati Favorites List
2. Leave a comment once you’ve added me with your Technorati username, blog title and Technorati fav URL and I’ll return the favor
3. You’ll be added to my Technorati Favorites list once your comment has posted

Next, Copy and Paste this info & follow the directions.. (You can copy and paste this whole post, except the intro paragraph)

1) Write a short introduction paragraph about how you found the list, including a link to the blog post that referred you to it.

2) Copy the rules and entire list below and post it on your blog. To avoid duplicate content and increase the number of keywords to each site, change up the titles of the blogs. Just don’t change the links.

3) Take the “My New Faves” and move them into “The Original Faves” list along with your site. Make sure all links are working properly.

4) Add 3 blogs to your Technorati Favorites and link them in the “My New Faves” section. Don’t forget to add the “Fave Me” link next to the new blogs.

5) Add Everyone on this list to your Technorati Favorites List by clicking on “Fave this Site.” Those who want good kharma will fave you back. If not, you will for sure get the benefits of faves from the bloggers who continue this list after you.

Dont forget to add me to your Technorati favorites!

Add to Technorati Favorites

My New Faves:

P. Morrow's online money - Technorati Fave this Site


Anonymous said...

I thought about exchanging favs. but never thought about publishing the post and let others do the same. Great idea.

Anonymous said...

Fave'd you on technoranti.

Anonymous said...

You can find me here:
