Monday, September 17, 2007

First Post

I'm sure everyone would like to make some extra money online, but is this really possible? I would like to see how difficult it is, or if it is even possible to make money blogging. My goal with this is to create a recurring income and show others exactly how I did it. I will log my journey in creating an income through this blog. I will post what I do each and every day to monetize and create traffic. It will be all about my quest to creating an online income, so you can see first hand how it is done. You will read directly what I am doing to promote my blog and how you can do the same. I will post my traffic stats and income, and which ways are most effective in driving traffic to my blog. I will walk you through ways to make successful use of your time in order to easily and efficiently convert your downtime into extra money. We all have money making potential!

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